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Doktorgrad om kontroll av globale kvikksølvutslipp

20. desember forsvarte Elisabeth Pacyna, seniorforsker ved NILU, sin doktorgradsavhandling ved Czestochowa tekniske universitetet i Czestochowa i Polen. Elisabeth Pacyna har i sin avhandling forsket på utvikling av metoder og verktøy for kontroll av globale kvikksølvutslipp. Vi gratulerer!

Elisabeth Pacyna
Seniorforsker Elisabeth Pacyna, NILU Foto: Ingunn Trones, NILU

Her PhD has been about development of methods and tools for assessment of global emissions of mercury and application of these methods to present current mercury emissions and their future scenarios.

The basis of her PhD were the results of her studies obtained within several EU and UNEP projects as well as the SORBENT project supported by the Norwegian Financial Mechanisms. The SORBENT project has been coordinated by the Czestochowa University of Technology.

Results presented in Elisabeth’s PhD thesis were used as a basis for discussions on a new international agreement within the UN on reductions of mercury emissions on a global scale. The establishment of this agreement is now in a process. Elisabeth received a PhD in environmental engineering on the basis of defended PhD thesis and other scientific achievements.